Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I received email few weeks ago from IZEA inviting me to join social spark, it was on mu bulk mail so I just disregard it until one day one of my close friend told me about SocialSpark and I realized that I've received an email about it. After my friend remind me I check back the email good thing I still have it and didn't delete it, I create my own profile at SocialSpark and I want to show it to you I make a link here just click my profile. At first i was a little confused but when I realized that its also like a social community where you can have a list of friend in your profile I get interested especially when someone has invited me to be her friend, thats the first thing I learn and did at socialspark make friends, then later on while browsing I have learned to bid for opps its cool, I enjoy making task with socialsaprk and I gain a lot of friends too, and one more thing, I noticed that i also generate traffic to my blog and they are from socialspark.
So my dearest friends who haven't register yet to socialspark what are you waiting for, register now and lets meet at socialspark community see you there.


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