Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The FAN!

My husband is a fanatic of Lakers, last month when they are playing at the western conference championship, I'm receiving unexpected call from him and guess what his asking me, 'what's the score?' score of what I'm confused, score of Lakers!.
When the Best of seven begins he came home early just to watch the game! lol, What I hate is, hes watching yelling and mad especially when the Lakers are losing,. Yesterday the game is crucial and the Lakers made a lot of wasted shots, the husband was yelling like his the coach. I told him look at Phil Jackson he so relax and you here is yelling your heart out, wait how much did you bet for this game? (he never gamble) or are you the lakers owner because you look so worried? hahaha he can't help it nagging to all the players as if they can hear him lol. Good this the Lakers won yesterday.


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