Friday, August 8, 2008

Dress for LESS!

Few months ago I bought a dress at my favorite store, its kind of marked down price but still a little bit expensive. I bought it because I like the black print on the white dress. Its a tube and knee long dress, when I got home I fit and show it to my husband, I get disappointed when he said I look like going to a prom! So it just stay on the closet for several months with the tag on. When I chat to my cousin Avigail I learned that she's four months on the way and suddenly we talk about her wedding dress, she said its just a civil wedding opt the bridal gown, she said she looks for a nice dress but can't find what she really want, I show her on the webcam that dress that I bought and she said sent it to her cause its two weeks to go for he wedding. I sent it the next day but I told her if it will not arrived on time she have to buy her dress. Two days before she is going to be wed she inform me that she got the dress and she really love it that she is going to wear it on her wedding day. I'm skeptical and thought that she is just joking at me until she sent me a photo yesterday. I will just post other photo next time since I can't find where I saved the photo she sent yesterday.


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