Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Stiching Again

This one is a river cottage. I am back on cross stitching since the paid blogging died down a bit. I am happy because I now can find time on completing my project, suppose it will only took me less than 2 weeks to finish a 24x14" project, but this one took me 2 years to finish because I am very much occupied.
Three days ago I work back on it, if ever I got all the threads I need maybe I am almost done this time. But I still have to find the missing threads on the craft store if I have time, I am so excited to see the finish work. I am now looking for another nice pattern online to be my next project. Hmmm sounds like my hands can't keep still, might it be digital art making, cross stitching, crochet, and other stuff, I admit that I cannot contain myself, so if I have time I want to learn miss lyn's art "quilting." Right now I am waiting for my sewing machine that my husband have promised. Do I look like "I'm Busy as a BEE?"

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