Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tattoo Quiz

I was amazed that it coincide with my previous blog post.
You should get a Foot Tattoo! You truly love the idea of tattoos! You may be a little unsure of what to do and what you really want to stick on yourself "forever!" You know they are cool and can be classy, you would like one but you don't know how much you really want to commit. You should play it safe a get a foot tattoo. You know they are a little bit sexy, they give you the ability to say you have one, and best yet you can cover it up with ease when you need to. You are no worse then the rest of us, you just know you have a life and need to keep it simple (for now at least!) Suggestions: A favorite quote, a chain of flowers, or the names of your family members (so they are always there with you.)

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