Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bank Blood Cord

Why Cord blood bank? Stem cell are found in umbilical cord or blood cord and have a high rate of engraftment, which means that the body often accepts cord blood stem cells better than those from bone marrow. Its benefits are match stem cells are difficult to obtain due to very strict matching requirement. If ever your child contracts a disease which must be treated with chemotherapy or radiation there is a probability of negative impact on the immune system. Another benefit is, if ever one of the siblings needs it, it has one-in-four chances of matching, and often the results in successful transplants with fewer complications. Treating Diseases with Stem Cells will be used to rebuild cardiac tissue, repair damage due to stroke or spinal injuries and reverse the effects of such diseases as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's.
To all parents and parents to be, this topic will help you understand
the value of Cord Blood and banking your child's blood cord for the medical future use of treating diseases in family members.
Bank your
Cord blood at Cryo-Cell International, check out the features and benefits why bank your ucord at Cryo-Cell international. All I can say they have the best features and benefits and if I will have a child I will bank my child's ucord with them.


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